“Smart” Badger Water Meters

Recent articles in the New Mexcan have reported that since the City began installing Badger “smart” water meters, many people have had outrageously high bills. http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/problems-with-city-s-new-smart-water-meters-generate-numerous/article_d4a8e931-9ff9-58a4-8a90-d366f2d3692e.html

FYI, I submitted the following letter in response. I hope the New Mexican will publish it soon.

Internationally, extremely high bills are common when “smart” utility meters are deployed.
Further, the FCC prohibits meters (like the Badgers newly deployed by our water division) from being installed closely together. Yet, in Santa Fe, as many as five meters may be co-located for buildings with multiple units. https://www.electronicsilentspring.com/smart-badger-water-meters/

To provide protection from radiofrequency transmissions, the FCC also requires keeping Badger meters at least 20 centimeters from all persons at all times. Pregnant women, children and people with medical implants should take precautions on sidewalks (where water meters are commonly installed).

Fortunately, Santa Feans can have their Badger water meter replaced with a monthly-read meter by phoning Diana Catanach, the City’s utility billing director, at 955.4364, and requesting an opt out.

To opt out of transmitting gas meters and self-read yours, contact Diana Jaramillo at 505.697.3459.
For more info about “smart” meters, view the documentary “Take Back Your Power,” or visit https://www.electronicsilentspring.com/primers/smart-meters/

Katie Singer

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