Biological and Health Effects of Microwave Radio Frequency Transmissions: A Review of the Research Literature

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A Report to the Staff and Directors of the Eugene Water and Electric Board

June 4, 2013
Paul Dart, M.D.
(lead author)
Kathleen Cordes, M.D.
Andrew Elliott, N.D.
James Knackstedt, M.D.
Joseph Morgan, M.D.
Pamela Wible, M.D.
Steven Baker
(technical advisor)

Executive Summary

The FCC regulations for permissable exposures to microwave radio frequency (RF) transmissions are only designed to protect against the thermal effects of high exposure levels. Representatives of the telecommunications industry usually assert that there is “no clear or conclusive” scientific evidence regarding the biological effects of low level or “nonthermal” RF exposures. But in actuality, a large body of scientific research documents that RF exposures at low levels can produce adverse biological or health effects.

The installation of RF-transmitting “smart meters” by our electric utility could significantly increase the level of RF exposure in Eugene’s residential neighborhoods. Such an increase carries potential health risks. The nature of these risks needs to be carefully considered before making a decision to deploy this technology. Any decision-making process that ignores this possibility of harm could cause significantly damage both to community health and to EWEB’s goodwill in the community.

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